Sophie Carenco | Publications


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2018 | Articles and Reviews

Surprisingly high sensitivity of copper nanoparticles toward coordinating ligands: consequences for the hydride reduction of benzaldehyde

Functionalized copper nanoparticles are widely used as catalysts. In this study we investigate hydride-assisted reduction reactions with special focus on the structural evolution of copper nanoparticles in the presence of phosphine and nitrogen-based ligands. Ultrasmall nano-objects are formed as key intermediates to produce catalytically active species in the hydrosilylation of benzaldehyde. Moreover, we found that the strength of the hydride donor is essential for the formation of the active catalysts.


X. Frogneux, F. Borondics, S. Lefrançois, F. D’Accriscio, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2018, 8, 5073-80.

Ensemble versus Local Restructuring of Core-shell Nickel-Cobalt Nanoparticles upon Oxidation and Reduction Cycles

Bimetallic nanoparticles are widely studied, for example in catalysis. However, possible restructuring in the environment of use, such as segregation or alloying, may occur. Taken individually, state‐of‐the‐art analytical tools fail to give an overall picture of these transformations.

In collaboration with Cecile S. Bonifacio and Judith C. Yang from Pittsburg University, we studied nickel-cobalt nanoparticles exposed to reactive gases. Combination of an ensemble technique (NAP-XPS) and a local one (environmental TEM) was pivotal for describing the nanoparticles transformations.


S. Carenco, C. S. Bonifacio, J. C. Yang, Chem. - A Eur. J. 2018, 24, 12037-43.

Describing inorganic nanoparticles in the context of surface reactivity and catalysis

Surface and core of inorganic nanoparticles may undergo profound transformations in their environment of use. Accurate description is key to understand and control surface reactivity.

Through a selection of case studies, this feature article proposes a journey from surface science to nanoparticle design, while illustrating state-of-the-art spectroscopies that help provide a relevant description of inorganic nanoparticles in the context of surface reactivity.


S. Carenco, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 6719-6727

Designing Nanoparticles and Nanoalloys with Controlled Surface and Reactivity

This Personal Account is about the design, synthesis and monitoring of metal alloy nanoparticles.

Nanoalloys represent a playground to establish structure-properties relationships within the nano-matter. The rational design of nanoalloys is discussed (reactants choice, composition control), in relation with their surface state. Consequences on heterogeneous and homogeneous catalytic reactions, as well as for energy storage and conversion, is illustrated through examples.


S. Carenco, Chem. Rec. 2018, 18, 1114-1124

[Article] Chimie et Nano : Une question d'échelle !

Cet article a été écrit pour CultureSciences-Chimie, site de ressource en Chimie pour les enseignants. Il a été édité par Claire Vilain (éditrice du site).

Nanoparticules et nanomatériaux, qui font aujourd’hui partie du quotidien, sont l'objet d'intenses activités de recherche et d'une certaine médiatisation.

Dans cet article, les notions de nanoparticules, nanotechnologies et nanosciences sont définies et l'intérêt pour cette échelle de la matière est explicité, en précisant notamment les propriétés particulières des nanoobjets. Les applications des nanoparticules à grande échelle, notamment dans le domaine de la catalyse, sont présentées.


S. Carenco, CultureSciences-Chimie 2018, Lien.


Contact information

Sorbonne Université - LCMCP
Tour 34-44, bureau 412, CC174
4 Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE
sophie.carenco* (* is @)
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