Sophie Carenco | Labs


At the heart of Paris

We are located in the 5th district of Paris, along the Seine banks and just a few yards away from la Sorbonne, Notre-Dame Church and Le Panthéon.



Equipments and Nano labs

Our lab, the Laboratory of Chemistry of the Condensed Matter, is fully equipped to synthesis and analyze materials and nanomaterials from 1 nm to 1 cm. We have a large set of tools for inorganic and organic chemistry, polymer sciences, solid-state chemistry, processing, and even biology.


DLS and zetametry, UV-vis, IR spectrometer, Fluorimeter, N2 sorption, TGA, Ellipsometers

TEM, MEB, XRD, NMR (solid and liquid), AFM, Optical microscopes,

Gloveboxes, 3D printers, Dip-coaters and spincoater, electrospinning device, aerosols generators, centrifuges, supercritical drying, freeze dryer, ovens...

More equipments is available through the Institute of Materials Sciences of the University, and through our network of collaborators.

A few pics of our "Nano" labs:

Inert Glovebox (better known as "Baggy") baggy
Schlenklines schlenklines
One of the labs specially designed for Nanoparticles work.

Safety first! We have dedicated hoods to work with nanoparticles as powders. schlenklines

Contact information

CINaM - Aix Marseille Université
Campus de Luminy - Case 913
13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 09