Boosting the reactivity of nanoparticles towards small molecules
Small molecules such as CO2 have been activated on metal nanoparticles for ages, eg. in the Sabatier process using nickel nanoparticles. However, the harsh conditions required with noble-metal free catalysts preclude the catalytic process from formingfunctional molecules. Rather, simple molecules such as methane are obtained, which stands as a strong limitation. In the NanoFLP projet, we aim at boosting the reactivity of these nanoparticles using adequate surface ligands in order to operate the catalytic reactions at room temperature and ambient pressure.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 758480).
Recent publications on the NanoFLP project
Two-Step Reduction Pathway of Copper(II) by Oleylamine for the Nucleation of Cu(0) Nanoparticles: A Joint Modelling and Experimental Study
We combine computational evaluation of Cu(II) and Cu(I) reduction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy monitoring of the oxidation state of copper to show that formation of Cu(0) nanoparticles starting from copper(II) acetylacetonate in oleylamine goes through a two-steps process, with the intermediate formation of Cu(I) complexes. Influence of phosphine ligands is demonstrated and usage of alternative copper sources is discussed.
M. Guillaumont, S. Halbert, A. P. Freitas, V. Briois, S. Carenco, H. Gérard, ChemPhysChem2025, DOI 10.1002/cphc.202401027
Frustrated Lewis pairs on nanoparticles for colloidal catalysis: dream or reality?
Catalysis by the colloidal suspension of nanoparticles has attracted considerable attention in recent years as it may combine interesting features: (i) the possibility of using inorganic catalysts, such as those of transition metal nanoparticles; (ii) the opportunity of adding well-designed ligands, as in homogeneous catalysis, to tune the activity and selectivity of a given reaction.
Here, we propose and illustrate the design of metal nanoparticles in colloidal suspension as Lewis acid partners of a “NanoFLP”.
This concept was explored for the hydrogenation of alkynes such as phenylacetylene. However, to this date, no direct proof for the occurrence of an FLP has been provided on the examples that we developed. We discuss possible interpretations of the experimental data and ways of clarifying the mechanism involved.
S. Carenco, Comptes Rendus. Chim.2024, 27, 395–403.
Structure Sensitivity, Magnetization, and Topological Analysis in DFT Models of Ni Nanoparticles and Surfaces Functionalized by Adsorbed Trimethylphosphine
The adsorption properties of trimethylphosphine (PMe3) on Ni nanoparticles (NPs) and extended surfaces were investigated via spin-polarized dispersion-corrected density functional theory calculations. The coverage effect of phosphine was explored by considering monoadsorption and monoshells on NPs and various adlayers from low coverage to saturation on surfaces. Icosahedral, ino-decahedral, cuboctahedral, truncated octahedral, and Marks-decahedral Ni nanoclusters at a size of 146–147 atoms were compared to the Ni(111), (100), and (110) surfaces.
S. Godoy-Gutierrez, A. Ropp, K. Azouzi, J. Pilmé, S. Carenco, D. Loffreda, J. Phys. Chem. C2024, 128, 16501–16513.
A Robust Synthesis of Co2P and Ni2P Nanocatalysts from Hexaethylaminophosphine and Phosphine-Enhanced Phenylacetylene Hydrogenation
We selected a commercial aminophosphine, HETAP, as the phosphorus precursor to develop a robust synthesis crystalline Co2P and Ni2P nanoparticles with high yields on a 9 mmol scale. Moreover, modification of the nanoparticles via the addition of a molecular Lewis base triggered catalytic activity of the colloidal suspension at low temperature for the hydrogenation of phenylacetylene. We delineated the most efficient phosphines in the case of a Ni2P catalyst, using a stereoelectronic map of 13 phosphines.
A. Ropp , S. Carenco, Inorg. Chem. 2024, DOI 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c02743
Operando Monitoring of Homolytic Cleavage of H2 into Surface Hydrides on Defective Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles
We designed a low-temperature synthetic route for CeO2 nanorods. We employed near-ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to monitor the cerium surface oxidation state during the initial annealing of the nanopowder, followed by exposure to a moderate pressure of H2. We demonstrate that H2 homolytic splitting at cerium sites is the main activation process at 100 °C, leading to the oxidation of 30% of the surface cerium atoms, while the H2 splitting at oxygen sites was absent.
R. F. André, J.-J. Gallet, F. Bournel, S. Carenco, ChemCatChem2024, DOI 10.1002/cctc.202400163.
Phosphines on Colloidal Nickel Nanocatalysts to Lower the Onset Temperature of Terminal Alkynes Hydrogenation
We show that phosphines with adequate steric hindrance (e.g., PnBu3 and PiBu3) lower the onset temperature for phenylacetylene hydrogenation by nickel NPs under 7 bar of H2, by ca 10 to 20 °C depending on the NP diameter. This result is of conceptual value because the hydrogenation may have been driven by the frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) between the Lewis basic phosphine and the Lewis acid nickel surface, forming a so-called “NanoFLP”. Moreover, we demonstrated that less than 2 phosphines per Ni surface atom are enough for the effect to arise. We showed that other terminal alkynes, like 1-octyne, can be hydrogenated with this method.
K. Azouzi, A. Ropp, S. Carenco, ACS Catalysis 2024, DOI 10.1021/acscatal.4c00054.
Phosphine-Enhanced Semi-Hydrogenation of Phenylacetylene by Cobalt Phosphide Nano-Urchins
We report the positive effect of phosphine additives on the activity of cobalt phosphide nano-urchins for the semi-hydrogenation of phenylacetylene. While the nanocatalyst's activity was low under mild conditions (7 bar of H2, 100 °C), the addition of a catalytic amount of phosphine remarkably increased the conversion, e. g., from 13 % to 98 % in the case of PnBu3. A stereo-electronic map was proposed: the strongest effect was observed for low to moderately hindered phosphines, associated with strong electron donor abilities.
A. Ropp, R. F. André, S. Carenco, ChemPlusChem2023, DOI 10.1002/cplu.202300469.
Influence of the Cobalt Active Site Neighbors in NiCo Nanocatalysts for Phosphine-Assisted Silane Activation
NiCo nanoparticles are active catalysts at room temperature for Si−H bond activation. We designed nanoparticles with a nickel core and a limited amount of cobalt surface sites to clarify which of the two metals was the active site and if the neighbouring atoms influenced the reaction efficiency. The trend in catalytic activity is consistent with cobalt being the active site, and it shows a higher activity when its immediate neighbours are cobalt atoms.
A. Ropp, S. Carenco, ChemCatChem2023, DOI 10.1002/cctc.202300400.
From Ce(OH)3 to Nanoscaled CeO2: Identification and Crystal Structure of a Cerium Oxyhydroxide Intermediate Phase
While the literature contains tens of protocols to prepare cerium oxide nanoparticles from Ce(III) precursors, there is still an open question regarding the time at which the cerium oxidation occurs and the role of hydroxide phases in this process. This article identifies an oxyhydroxide phase of Ce(IV) of the chemical formula CeO(OH)2 as a key intermediate and proposes a crystal structure for it.
R. F. André, G. Rousse, C. Sassoye, M. Avdeev, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, B. Baptiste and S. Carenco, Chem. Mater.2023, DOI 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00486.
Phosphine-Catalyzed Activation of Phenylsilane for Benzaldehyde Reduction
Here, we studied the organocatalyzed hydrosilylation of benzaldehyde with a phosphine, introduced at 10 mol %, and phenylsilane at room temperature. The best results of the screening over 13 phosphines and phosphites were obtained with linear trialkylphoshines (PMe3, PnBu3, POct3), indicating the importance of their nucleophilicity. The products of the hydrosilylation were identified, allowing a monitoring of the concentration in the different species.
R. F. André, A. Palazzolo, C. Poucin, F. Ribot, S. Carenco, ChemPlusChem2023,doi 10.1002/cplu.202300038
Phosphines Modulating the Catalytic Silane Activation on Nickel-Cobalt Nanoparticles, Tentatively Attributed to Frustrated Lewis Pairs in a Colloidal Solution
We propose the concept of a NanoFLP in a colloidal solution where one partner is a phosphine Lewis base and the other is the Lewis acid surface of a NiCo nanoparticle. We attempt to apply this concept to the hydrosilylative reduction of benzaldehyde. We identify a correlation between the Tolman cone angle and the silane conversion, consistent with both mechanisms; however, we found no clear correlation between the Tolman electronic parameter and the reaction outcome. Structural analyses evidenced that the nanoparticles are not altered during the reaction, which led us to propose the formation of a NanoFLP as a transient species in solution.
A. Palazzolo, S. Carenco. Chem. Mater.2021, acs.chemmater.1c03105.
Nickel Carbide (Ni3C) Nanoparticles for Catalytic Hydrogenation of Model Compounds in Solvent
We investigated here crystalline nickel carbide nanoparticles as catalysts in colloidal suspension for hydrogenation reactions under H2 (7 bar) and below 100°C. Polar solvents appeared comparatively more favorable than less polar ones for the hydrogenation of two model substrates: nitrobenzene and phenylacetylene. Furthermore, the presence of water in the solvent mix was mostly favorable to the hydrogenation yield. We expanded the scope to a variety of aldehydes, ketones, esters, nitriles and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
R. F. André, L. Meyniel, S. Carenco, Cat. Sci. Tech.2022, doi 10.1039/D2CY00894G
The Delicate Balance of Phase Speciation in Bimetallic Nickel Cobalt Nanoparticles
Due to the variety of cobalt crystallographic phases, forming fcc nanoparticles rather than phase mixture is a challenging endeavor. We found optimized conditions to form size-controlled fcc NiCo nanoparticles from preformed Ni nanoparticles. We then investigated the early stages of Co nucleation on the nickel using a lower stoichiometry of Co, down to 0.05 equiv. vs. Ni. We showed that cobalt reacts first on the nickel nanoparticles but easily forms cobalt-rich larger aggregates in the further steps of the reaction.
A. Palazzolo, C. Poucin, A. P. Freitas, A. Ropp, C. Bouillet, O. Ersen, S. Carenco, Nanoscale2022, doi 10.1039/D2NR00917J.
Guidelines for the Molybdenum Oxidation State and Geometry from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Mo L2,3 -Edges
X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) is a particularly well-adapted technique to study the L2,3-edges of Mo (2520–2625 eV). It provides information on both the electronic and local structures of metal-containing species and allows drawing structure–activity relationships. However, L2,3-edges are difficult to interpret, especially for 4d and 5d transition metals. In this work, we provide a method for their interpretation based on a library of spectra of simple Mo compounds. We suggest using the L3-edge to determine the oxidation state and the L2-edge to gain insight on the geometry around Mo atoms. This method is then applied to a series of molybdenum sulfide compounds to rationalize their structures.
A.P. Freitas, R. F. André, C. Poucin, T. K.-C. Le, J. Imbao, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, S. Carenco. Guidelines for the Molybdenum Oxidation State and Geometry from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Mo L2,3-Edges. J. Phys. Chem. C2021, 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c01875.
Early Transition Metal Nano-carbides and Nano-hydrides from Solid-State Metathesis initiated at Room Temperature
Transition metal carbides (TMCs) have attracted great interest due to their mechanical and catalytic properties but their syntheses generally require energy-consuming processes with temperatures above 800 °C. We report here a solid-state metathesis reaction between metal chlorides (ZrCl4, NbCl5, MoCl3, MoCl5, HfCl4, TaCl5, WCl6) and potassium dispersed in carbon. Within seconds, it produces carbide or metallic nanoparticles of diameter below 50 nm supported on carbon. Based on thermodynamic and kinetic considerations, we propose a mechanism explaining the coexistence of several phases (metal, carbide, hydride) and their occurrence at each step of the reaction.
R. F. André, F. D'Accriscio, A. P. Freitas, G. Crochet, C. Bouillet, M. Bahri, O. Ersen, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco, Green Chem., 2021, 10.1039/D1GC01097B
Influence of Copper Precursor on the Catalytic Transformation of Oleylamine during Cu Nanoparticles Synthesis
Copper nanoparticle synthesis was studied by thorough characterization of the organic reactions happening during the synthesis. The reduction of copper(II) acetate by oleylamine resulted in a high amount of water and few by-products while the reduction of copper(II) acetylacetonate resulted in a low amount of water and many products. The nanoparticles showed different abilities to further dehydrogenate and transaminate oleylamine in the synthesis reaction pot. This was explained by the presence of a copper oxide phase in the nanoparticles prepared from copper acetate.
A. Pesesse, S. Carenco, Cat. Sci. Tech.., 2021, 10.1039/D1CY00639H.
Describing inorganic nanoparticles in the context of surface reactivity and catalysis
Surface and core of inorganic nanoparticles may undergo profound transformations in their environment of use. Accurate description is key to understand and control surface reactivity.
Through a selection of case studies, this feature article proposes a journey from surface science to nanoparticle design, while illustrating state-of-the-art spectroscopies that help provide a relevant description of inorganic nanoparticles in the context of surface reactivity.
S. Carenco, Chem. Commun.2018, 54, 6719-6727
Other related papers
Synthesis and Structural Evolution of Nickel-Cobalt Nanoparticles Under H2 and CO2
CO2 can be converted into hydrocarbon using cobalt-based catalysts. However and to our surprise, core-shell nickel-cobalt nanoparticles produced oxygenated molecules instead (CO, methanol, formaldehyde).
We showed that, as a result of the heating and the presence of reactive gas, nickel was able to migrate to the surface of the nanoparticle. Alongside, small amounts of phosphorus were also found to get exposed to the surface. This phosphorus actually comes from the ligands (TOP) that were required in the first step of the nanoparticles synthesis but partially decomposed upon heating.
The active catalyst should not be seen as a cobalt surface, but rather as a nickel-cobalt alloy containing significant level of phosphide species.
S. Carenco, C.-H. Wu, A. Shavorskiy, S. Alayoglu, G. A. Somorjai, H. Bluhm, M. Salmeron, Small2015, 11, 3045
The Active State of Supported Ruthenium Oxide Nanoparticles during Carbon Dioxide Methanation
CO2 methanation is an old process but it is one of the keys to produce chemicals of interest. One of the research trend is to go to lower reaction temperatures, which promote highly selective reactions (i.e. formation of methane without carbon monoxyde by-products). Ruthenium nanoparticles are active at low temperature in this process.
Near-Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) was used to monitoring ruthenium nanoparticles deposited on a tailored TiO2 surface. We showed that the ruthenium is metallic under model reaction conditions and we also were able to analyze the nature of the adsorbates as a function of the temperature.
S. Carenco, C. Sassoye, M. Faustini, P. Eloy, D. P. Debecker, H. Bluhm, M. Salmeron, J. Phys. Chem. C2016, 120, 15354
Carbon monoxide is a ubiquitous molecule in surface science, materials chemistry, catalysis and nanotechnology. Its interaction with a number of metal surfaces is at the heart of major processes, such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or fuel-cell optimization. Recent works have highlighted the ability of metal surfaces and nanoparticles to undergo restructuring after exposure to CO under fairly mild conditions, generating nanostructures. This Minireview deals with such nanostructuring, and discusses the driving force in reversible and non-reversible situations.
S. Carenco, Chem. Eur. J .2014, 20, 10616
Outreach Article project
Les nanoparticules, partenaires de nouvelles paires de Lewis frustrées ?
Just published in the French journal "L'Actualité chimique": a feature article about our ERC Research program on NanoFLP, or "nanoparticles as partners in Frustrated Lewis Pairs".
It describes our recent works on this topic, with a focus on what where ou guidelines and purposes.
S. Carenco, L'Actualité Chimique 2024, 496, Juillet-Août
Interview pour Innovation Review (13 septembre 2017)
"L'ERC, un outil essentiel dans le financement de la recherche fondamentale". Read Online. Interview de trois lauréats français, réalisée par Florent Detroy.
Team of the NanoFLP project
Antoine Pesesse Master student (2018) then PhD student (2018-2021)
Rémi André PhD student (2018-2021) then Post-Doctoral Fellow (2021-2022)
Cyprien Poucin Master student (2019) then PhD student (2019-2022)
Alexy De Jesus Almeida Freitas Post-Doctoral Fellow (2019-2021)
Alberto Palazzolo Post-Doctoral Fellow (2019-2021)
Anthony Ropp Master student (2020-2021) then PhD student (2021-2024)
Karim Azouzi Post-doctoral fellow (2022-2024)
Kaltoum Bakkouche Post-doctoral fellow (2023-)
Sebastian Adolfo Godoy Gutierrez Post-doctoral fellow (2023-), co-supervized by David Loffreda at ENS Lyon.