Sophie Carenco | Research


Discover the facets of my research by clicking on the pics:

project 1 project 2 Nanoparticles & Ligands: a Love/Hate story
Safe-by-Design Nanoparticles CO2 chemistry at nanoparticles surface project 6


The following partners are gratefully acknowledged for financial participation. Click on the pics to learn more!

LCMCP CNRS Sorbonne Université ERC

Past funding

DGA MATISSE PSL* Collège de France
ANR JST Doctoral School IPV Region Ile de France Ministry of Research


Contact information

Sorbonne Université - LCMCP
Tour 34-44, bureau 412, CC174
4 Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE
sophie.carenco* (* is @)
Visitor information