There are only so many elements that the chemist may use for building new forms of matter: oxygen, carbon, some metals... One could think that all simple combinations were explored already. But certain forms of matter still resist! Here, we explore combination of oxygen, sulfur and one or two metals. We also do our best to limit the size of the grains to a few nanometer... taking to our advantages the many exciting properties that the chemists expect at this scale!
Metal oxysulfides are compounds of metal, oxygen and sulfur. Moreover, the sulfur is not forming sulfate ions in these structures: one can find metal-sulfur bonds. Metal oxysulfides can typically be formed by treating a metal oxide with H2S. However, this requires high temperatures (800 °C or more), which lead to large crystals... not what we want to obtain nanoparticles! This is why we are looking for alternative chemical routes, at lower temperatures, to form a range of metal oxysulfide nanoparticles. In collaboration with colleagues from solid-state physics and biology, we are also studying the electronic and magnetic properties of the nanoparticles that we prepare as well as their behavior towards cells.
Metal Oxysulfides: From Bulk Compounds to Nanomaterials
This review summarizes the syntheses and applications of metal oxysulfides. Bulk compounds of rare earth and transition metals are discussed in the section Introduction. After a presentation of their main properties and applications, their structures are presented and their syntheses are discussed. The section Bulk Materials and Their Main Applications is dedicated to the growing field of nanoscaled metal oxysulfides. Lanthanide-based nanoparticles are discussed first, followed by transition-metal based nanoparticles.
C. Larquet, S. Carenco, Frontiers in Chem.2020, doi:10.3389/fchem.2020.00179
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Tunable Magnetic Properties of (Gd,Ce)2O2S Oxysulfide Nanoparticles
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C. Larquet, Y. Klein, D. Hrabovsky, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco, EurJIc.2019, 6, 762-765 | EurJIc Cover.
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We observed that cerium-rich nanoparticles are less stable in air than Gd-rich nanoparticles. With in situ X-ray absorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we could demonstrate that (i) all these nanoparticles actually exhibit surface sulfate, (ii) sulfate form as a consequence of exposure to water and/or oxygen, (iii) there is a threshold of 50% Ce above which the structure is not stable anymore in air, due to the formation of Ce(IV) species.
C. Larquet, A.-M. Nguyen, M. Ávila-Gutiérrez, L. Tinat, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, J.-J. Gallet, F. Bournel, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco, Inorg. Chem.2017, 22, 14227-14236
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[Article] Les oxysulfures de lanthanides : Un terrain de jeu pour la nanochimie
Les oxysulfures de métaux contiennent du soufre à un état d’oxydation négatif. Les oxysulfures de lanthanides cristallins sont utilisés depuis plus de cinquante ans mais les premières synthèses de nanoparticules datent du début du siècle. Cet article discute de la stratégie à adopter pour préparer de telles nanoparticules avec l’exemple de l’oxysulfure de gadolinium. Ces nanoparticules présentent une surface réactive, comme le montre la formation spontanée de sulfates à l’air libre.
C. Larquet, A.-M. Nguyen, T. K.-C. Le, M. Avila-Gutierrez, S. Carenco, L'Actualité Chimique.2019, 436, 28-31.