Sophie Carenco | Biography

Sophie Carenco
Research Director at CNRS

At CINaM since January 2025!

CNRS - Aix Marseille Université
Campus de Luminy – Case 913
13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 09


Previous address: Laboratoire Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, CNRS, Sorbonne Université

Sophie Carenco
© Laurent Ardhuin pour l'UPMC

Sophie Carenco graduated from Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, in 2008. She obtained her PhD in 2011 from University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, for her work on the synthesis and applications of metal phosphide nanoparticles, under the co-supervision of Pr. Clément Sanchez (UPMC) and Dr. Nicolas Mézailles (Ecole Polytechnique). From 2012 to 2013, she was a post-doctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, California, in the group of Prof. Miquel Salmeron, where she used synchrotron-based in situ spectroscopies (near-ambient-pressure XPS, high pressure XAS) to monitor the surface state of (bi)metallic nanoparticles during catalytic reactions.

In 2014, she joined CNRS in Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (LCMCP), associated with Sorbonne Université, CNRS and Collège de France. She worked in the team Nano on novel synthetic routes of exotic nanomaterials for energy-relevant challenges such as CO2 valorization. In 2017, she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant to work on small molecules activation at the surface of nanoparticles. In 2025, she joined the Centre interdisciplinaire de Nanosciences de Marseille.

She was awarded the European Young Chemist Award from EuCheMS in 2010 and the C'Nano National Award in 2012 for her PhD work. More recently, she was awarded the Bronze Medal of CNRS, the Jean Rist Medal of SF2M. In relation with the interdisciplinary character of her research, she received the Young Chemist Award of Physical Chemistry division of SCF-SFP (2018) and the Young Chemist Award of the Catalysis Division of the French Chemical Society (2021). In 2020, she was the recipient of the Clara Immerwahr Award, from the German consortium UniSysCat. In 2021, she received the Researcher Award from the Solid State Chemistry division of the French Chemical Society. She is also involved in science outreach: she published in 2012 a short book about nanomaterials and chemistry and was the guest of a 1h podcast in 2020 for the national radio France Inter.

Education and diplomas
2019 HDR (habilitation to direct researches), Sorbonne Université
2011 Ph.D. in Chemistry of the condensed matter, UPMC (now part of Sorbonne Université)
2008 Master of Molecular Chemistry, Ecole Polytechnique
2007 Bachelor of Science/Diplôme d'Ingénieur, Ecole Polytechnique

Professional Experience
2025-now Research Director at CINaM, CNRS
2023-now Lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique in the chemistry departement
2022-2024 Research Director at CNRS in Sorbonne Université
2014-2022 Researcher at CNRS in Sorbonne Université
2014 Maître de conférence associée at Collège de France, Paris
2012-2013 Post-doctoral Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
2008-2011 PhD student at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau) and UPMC (Paris), France

Honors & Awards (Awards of the team on this other page)
2021 Researcher Award from the Solid State Science division of the French Chemical Society (SCF)
2021 Young Researcher Award from the Catalysis division of SCF (shared with Thibault Cantat)
2020 Clara Immerwahr Award from Unisyscat (Germany)
2018 Bronze Medal of CNRS
2018 Young Researcher Award of SCF/SFP-Physical Chemistry Division
2018 Jean Rist Medal of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M)
2017 ERC Starting Grant
2014 Fellowship from L'Oreal-UNESCO-Académie des Sciences, "For Women in Sciences" Program
2012 National PhD Award from C'Nano
2010 European Young Chemist Award (gold medal) of EuChemS

Participation to chemical societies
Member since 2007 of the Société Chimique de France and EuCheMS.
Former member and Founding member of Ile-de-France section of the Young Chemists French Network (RJ-SCF),
Former member and Founding member of the International Younger Chemists Network, Former leader of the Governance comittee.
Active member of the Global Young Academy (GYA) since 2019.
Former Member of the European Young Chemist Network (EYCN).
Former of SF2M, ACS and ECS.


Contact information

CINaM - Aix Marseille Université
Campus de Luminy - Case 913
13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 09